Publicado por teacher

5 comentarios:

Davinia dijo...

Thanks a lot, but I have spent all the weekend downloading all this stuff. My computer has been working very hard, but now I am going to relax and enter Shakespeare's world for a while....

Davinia dijo...

Well for those interested on cinema, here are some other films related to unit 45:

I hope you enjoy them. dijo...

Hi everyone. Sorry I missed you on Saturday, but I was ill and didn't have the energy to go to class. I spent my time studying and writing my summaries. Today, I created my own blog. I did this partly for this class and "oposiciones", and partly for translation and other language related stuff. I've also posted some interesting bits about unit 45, and will add as I go. If you're interested, I can also add you as a "team" member so that you can post to the blog as well. I'll be seeing you here, but I hope to see you on L-O-L too!

Ana Laura dijo...

Han salido las listas de profesores admitidos para la prueba de nivel en la Rioja. La prueba es el dia 5.

María dijo...


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